Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Award For my blog....

-Can you describe your blog?
Nothing special,Nothing Perfect,It's simple.....

-Why you like blogging?
Why?Because i want to have my own diary just like my friends....

-What is your vision and mission of blogging?


-This award is dedicated for? (choose your 10 friends)
Everyone,who see this post

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Yo what's up?

back with me again at

I want to say thx for everyone who respect,Love,like this blog,especially my friends and blog teacher.....yeah i know it's just a simple blog with many things.....
but the problem is....Don't you ever said that my blog is Dirty,Stupid,Crazy,S*i*,F*c*,Lebay or something that i don't like these words...alright

you know how i fell now.....I'm just like a garbage who will be thrown out by someone...huh....
i hope that you who don't like this blog understand how i'm feeling.....

and if you have any criticism and suggestions,please enter your criticsm and suggestion at the CBOX.....

Thx and i hope you understand This

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

today's movie review

Welcome to today's movie review
today's movie review is about AVATAR:THE LAST AIRBENDER
yeah...i see the review in google,then i got this review
Let's see

How long do you think the screening was?

Some people who say they've seen it have said it was about 1 1/2 hours but they were also told that about 30 minutes of footage was left out.
My screening started at 7:00pm and when I left the theater it was about 9:00 or so. The movie was maybe just over an hour and a half. The review afterwards (which we had to write a short review on the movie on what we liked, disliked, etc) took about 15-20 minutes.

Before the screening started a man who worked for either the company doing the screening or the theater, not entirely sure which, said the movie was a very early copy and still needed to be edited. He also stated that it was missing some scenes, some were being filmed still, and audio was still in the editing process.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the show the movie was based on but did you see Koh the Face Stealer. He's a spirit world creature Aang encounters while in the spirit world?

He was not in the movie but when Aang did go into the Spirit World he met a Dragon Spirit who guided him.

(UPDATE - Confirmation that Koh is in the film just not the early screening)

Could you tell me what you liked about the movie? How was the acting/direction? Did Noah/Aang do a good job?

I like the bending and the action. I think they put a lot of good animation into the fights, especially when water and ice were used. It was done nicely and they used a lot of slow motion during the fights (seen in one of the trailers where Aang slides and leans backwards during a fight) and it was pretty effective.

The acting was alright. I think some of the actors/actresses didn't do as well as they could, Katara seemed a bit dull at times and it felt as if the actress couldn't get into her character.

Noah's acting was actually my favorite. He worked well as Aang and I think he brought the character out well. The martial arts he preformed was great.

Does Shaun Toub (Uncle Iroh) ever talk about tea or food? Did he come off as a nice guy?

He was nice and very protective over Zuko. He and Zuko shared a meal together, drinking tea, only once that I can remember. Other than that, no he didn't mention food or tea like his character does. His character was very serious.
I really expected a bit of humor with him and the food subject.

Does Yue have to struggle between an arranged marriage and Sokka? How did that play out? Did any name pronounciations annoy you or did they sound wierd at all when spoken by the actors?

In the movie the marriage is not even mentioned. She and Sokka meet and become a couple during the next few scenes.

How often does Fire Lord Ozai appear in the movie? Is it only at the end?

He is shown about three or four times throughout the movie. In the middle and towards the end.

How do they handle the intro of the movie?

Apparently, it starts with four benders performing moves as symbols appear next to them, similar to the show.
It does show the four benders, then a black screen appears with writing on it with Katara narrating the writing. Then it cuts to her and Sokka in the ice.

Was there some humor with Sokka?

Sokka was funny, he was definitely comic relief. Now, it wasn't all humor. The movies extremely serious. I'd say Sokka has about three-four funny moments.

How do Katara and Sokka discover Aang's iceberg in the movie? What are they doing?

Sokka was hunting some seal creature and following it's tracks when they reach a frozen part of the ocean/water. They look down and see that it is glowing underneath the ice so they use Sokkas boomerang to break the ice and a large ice berg appears that contains Aang.

Also, how is Dev Patel as Zuko?

I liked his acting. He was emotional throughout the movie about his banishment, and when it was necessary he could be mean and angry. He did well. I thought the way he talked was close to Zuko's way of talking.

How are the Air Temple and Northern Water Tribe sets?

The Air Temple and Northern Water Tribe, in my opinion, was breathtaking. The graphics were amazing for both. The Air Temple is beautiful, and the Northern Water Tribe was equally as good. I had no complaints about the sets at all.

How did the scene where Zhao kills the moon spirit fish look? Was the firebending not finished so it looked like he was punching the fish? Did the moon turn red ect...

In the movie he actually picks the fish up with a sack and it looks like he stabs it. There was absolutely no fire bending, no fire at all. He then drops the fish back into the water and it bleeds out in the water.
Yes, the moon turned red and the power of the tribe were sapped from them.

Did Yue have a big role in the movie? About how much screen time did she receive?

She had about 15-20 minutes of screen time. I don't want to go higher or lower because I'm not entirely sure how to estimate her screen time. She was in the last 25-30 minutes quite a bit though. But her role was about right, especially towards the end with the spirit fish.

Speaking of Zhao, could you ask about his role in the movie? Does Zuko still try to save him before he dies? Is it also established in the movie that there's a bit of anger between Zhao and Zuko?

I liked his role, good acting in some scenes. Zuko did not try to save him before he died, they were to commence in a fight but Zuko walked away and then Zhao was killed.

It is definitely obvious that Zhao and Zuko do not have a friendly relationship together.

So, did they actually fight or were they about to? Why did Zuko walk away?

They were about to fight but Iroh came and told Zuko it was not worth it. They both walked away.

I heard the Blue Spirit scenes kicked ass. Well...did they?

I thought the Blue Spirit's scenes were pretty good. A lot of action and fighting, when he first shows up it was pretty frightening because you don't expect it.

The boy in the trailer that used earthbending to block the firebenders that Haru?

They never mentioned the boys name and only said he was an Earth Bender. /= So I'm not entirely sure.

Also, does the movie play on the earthbenders spirits/wills being broken even though they have earth to bend?

Yes, when they trio first meet the Earth Benders they are in a camp seperated from their tribes because they can bend the earth. They begin to bend again after hearing Aang tell them that he is the Avatar.

How was the CGI for Appa and Momo? We haven't seen Momo yet, so did his appearance resemble the design from the show? Does Aang ever utter "yip yip" to summon Appa?

Momo was pretty good and looked just like the character from the show. I thought he looked adorable. (:
Appa's animation was really good. The fur looked real and his face looked a bit cartoonish though.
I don't remember hearing Aang ever saying "yip yip".

Does Sokka initially dislike Aang? When Zuko appears at the Southern Water Tribe, is it made clear that Sokka is one of the few warriors remaining?

Sokka distrusts Aang and very unsure of him.
When Zuko appears Sokka stands before him and reaches behind him to get his boomerang, but Katara stops him. Other than that little bit of him trying to protect the tribe, there wasn't much infomation on him being one of the last warriors. That I can remember, anyway.

Does Zhao hire pirates to make Zuko's ship explode with him inside?

Yes, he does.

How does Aang escape when Zuko captures him at the Northern Water Tribe?

This is after Aang wakes up from being in the Spirit World, I guess.
Aang wakes up and runs out of the room and Zuko chases him. They then get into a one-on-one battle against each other. Towards the end of the fight Zuko suddenly turns to ice and the camera zooms on Katara who is behind him. Aang lets Zuko's head free from the ice and Katara and Aang leave to fight the battle.

How serious is Aang? According to some, the trailers don't show off his playful side enough. In the cut that he saw, does Aang ever have any funny, energetic moments? When he first emerges from the iceberg, is he all friendly and adorable?

Straight from the start Aang is very quiet and reserved. He obviously wants to go back to the air temple and once he goes to the temple he is happy and excited to be back home. However, once he finds out his people are killed he becomes very depressed and serious. There aren't many giddy moments with Aang, except with flashbacks and when he is at the air temple. He is mostly consumed by wanting to fight the fire nation and has a hard time grieving for the death of his people."

I guess that's all for today's movie review...thx

Monday, July 19, 2010


Welcome again...
i have a homework for Gianni as my class leader who has a blog,but if you want to do ti,it's okay

10 questions but you have to answer the last question( matter what..this must be filled).....This homework is not easy as you think.The answers for each homework must be start with the first letter of your name......,if there's no answers,you may empty it....and you have to copy this and paste this to your blog

here we go....
1.Your name:
2.Name of a food:
3.Name of a movie:
4.Name of a drink:
5.colour: of an animal:
8.Name of a person(not your name):
8.Name of a country:
10.Name of a song:

thx....and good luck

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New school,New friends....

welcome again....
tommorow will be the third day in my Asisi Junior High School
i've met some's my new friends list:

- Ignatius Rahardi(Ardi)

- Erlita yoshi samantha(Yossi)
- Donna Yuniarti Sianipar(Donna)
- Florentina simarmata(Ina,she is my church friend)
- Albertus Aditya Bramantyo(Bram,the same like ina)
- Varian pasaribu(varian,the same like ina and bram)
- Tobias dwi putra(Obi,his mothers know my father and one part,Hurint big family)
- Marcelino Danu Egardy(Ega)
- Kerenza Deo(Deo)
- Michael firdaus(Daus)

Then i finally meet the class leader...and i asked her wheter she has blog or not....then she said YES....
then i visited her blog here
and you will know...oh my god,i'm so excited...hehe

well that's enough for today

Saturday, July 17, 2010

banner maker


welcome now....i'll help you whiterz with a thingy i want to present:BANNERS
i'll make a banner for you which the models like this:

model 1:
model 2:
model 3:model 4:model 5:
model 6*:model 7*:
model 8:
model 9:

*:you may pick the colour

if you want,just enter you're name,e-mail,which model do you want,and the words in the banner(for the model with a star,please tell the colours:model number 7,tell me what colour for your text,background,shadow colours....model number 6 text and background colours)

in the CBOX......
so i can send you the codes

thank you for your attention and see you next time

My birthday cake

This is my birthday's a music cake....
guitar here means i love guitar
trumpet here means someday,my name will be famous....
music note here means my lifetime...i'm having a good and bad days for 12 years
white means my favorite colour....

wow,simple but i'm impressed by this cake as a sign i'm 12 years old

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy birthday for myself..hehe

It's my rule..bwahahaha

*clears throats* nice i finally meet you at
haha...i was born today at 20.00 p.m
yeah..let's start the story of my bornday....

12 years the morning,everything gone fine but my mother was having a pregnant...
at 12.00 p.m,my mother was brought by my grandpa to the hospital(yeah..because my father's working) the evening,my father come to the hospital to see a new born baby..(that's me..who else?)

my father running to the room where i was born in that room....
after waiting about 50 minutes/more,i was born....i cried and the nurse take me to be washed by water for the first time...hehe...then my father watched final world cup 1998...and the winner is france,and my name was inspired from that country, mother and father called nicole which have meaning in france language "Star who will never ends" or in indonesian as "bintang yg selalu bersinar"... lucky i have that name...for another information about me,please open profile tab..okay?

hiuh...that's all about my HISTORICAL DAY EVER.....
about today's activity? patient,tommorow i'll tell you with the photos...okay...just wait...
goodbye and i want to say to myself...I'M PROUD OF MYSELF AND


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to change the cursor in blogger?

Guten tag...

i know you're asking me this question "how to change the cursor in blogger?"

okay,i'll explain it step by step...
come and take a look..

Step 1:
find an URL in google and type this in search section "free unique cursor for blogger"

step 2:
i'm using a guitar cursor from here,but you may find the address by yourself...

step 3:
you will find the cursor search then type the categories of your cursors...then click find and
next yours to decide...

step 4:
after you find what you're looking for,click the cursor you selected..then under the image of the cursors,there are many codes..choose the first one...then copy it...

step 5:
back to then templates,edit HTML then find
then paste the codes under the word
my codes like this,if you want this cursor,it's okay...

cursor: URL(""), default;

then view it first...i'm afraid it will gone wrong so please view it first...if you thing it's good,save it....

huf...i'm tired...okay see you next post..i hope this post helpfull