Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Friend Of Mine

I don't know why...
Every minute,I miss A friend....
She is The one....

Nah..I won't tell you the name....
Maybe Clues...
  1. She's my best friends....
  2. *Indonesian language*Rada Bolot...
  3. Smart...
  4. I always text messaging with her when i'm in my holiday to Bali...
Hahahah.....If you read about my Post in Bali,You'll know it....
Give you a hangman have to answer it and write your Answer in the 2nd CBOX...
The answer in one of my latest Post...
Here comes

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Easy right?
Well good luck for the Test and SEE YOU NEXT POST....


Anonymous said...

Nick siapa orangnya?
-temen ef mu yg suka ngajak ke ef-

Nick Hurint said...

Elsa ya?
ada ajah...makanya,tebak dong