Saturday, April 17, 2010


1. What is your name: Nicole
2. A four Letter Word: None
3. A boy's Name: Neville
4. A girl's Name: Nancy
5. An occupation: Nurse
6. A color: NILA........
7. Something you wear: Necklace
8. A food: Nugget
9. Something found in the bathroom: -------
10. A place: Nigeria
11. A reason for being late: Ngantukz....
12. Something you shout:NO............
13. A movie title: --------
14. Something you drink: Nestea
15. A musical group: Naff
16. An animal: Naga
17. A street name: Nusa indah street
18. A type of car: Nissan
19. A song title: Nada jiwa
20. A verb: --------

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